Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Turkey abuse videos at Butterball plant lead to arrests

By Isolde Raftery,

The animal rights group, Mercy For Animals, had chosen the Butterball factory ? the largest producer of turkeys in the United States ? at random.

An investigator applied for a job at Butterball?s turkey insemination plant in Shannon, North Carolina, and, after being hired, went to work wired with a tiny camera to capture video of how the turkeys were treated.

In mid-December, that investigator turned over three weeks of harrowing footage of 90-pound tom turkeys being dragged, beaten and bloodied to the Hoke County Sheriff?s Office. On Wednesday, three Butterball workers were arrested and charged with misdemeanor crimes for abusing the turkeys.

In addition, Dr. Sarah Jean Mason, the director of the Animal Health Programs with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, was charged with obstruction of justice for tipping off Butterball managers about the law enforcement investigation. She was placed on probation for 12 months.

After viewing the footage captured in December by the animal rights investigator, Hoke County officials planned a raid that included six detectives, two veterinarians and two animal welfare experts, according to a release from the Hoke County Sheriff?s Office.

Earlier story: Butterball turkey factory raided after abuse claims

During the raid, veterinarians determined that many of the birds needed to be euthanized.

At the time, Butterball released a statement saying the company had a ?zero-tolerance policy for any mistreatment of our birds.?

?Animal welfare is central to Butterball,? the statement continued, ?and we are committed to the highest standards to ensure that all turkeys processed for consumption are treated in a humane manner.?

Nathan Runkle, founder and executive director of Mercy For Animals, called this a landmark case because few animal cruelty charges are filed regarding poultry. His organization has instigated a dozen similar investigations, five of which have led to criminal or civil charges, he said.

?There was no insider information of abuse at Butterball which leads us to believe that this kind of animal neglect is rampant,? Runkle said. ?Unfortunately, every time we send an investigator they emerge with shocking evidence of animal abuse.?

Butterball accounts for 20 percent of the country's turkey production, according to the company?s Web site, and is known for its Turkey Talk-Line, which fields 100,000 calls around Thanksgiving.



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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Where big fish take shelter has big impact on their ability to cope with climate change

ScienceDaily (Feb. 13, 2012) ? When it comes to choosing a place to hang out, big reef fish like coral trout, snappers and sweetlips have strong architectural preferences.

The choices big fish make on where to shelter could have a major influence on their ability to cope with climate change, say scientists from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University.

In research aimed at understanding the process of fish population decline when coral reefs sustain major damage, PhD student James Kerry and Professor David Bellwood have found that big fish show a marked preference for sheltering under large, flat table corals, as opposed to branching corals or massive corals (known as bommies).

In a study that covered 17 separate locations round Lizard Island in far North Queensland, the researchers videoed the behaviour of large reef fish, allowing them to identify the kind of habitat they most preferred and depended on.

"Like human beings, fish have strong preferences on where they like to hang out -- and it appears that they much prefer to shelter under overhanging tablecorals. This tells us quite a bit about how important these corals are to the overall structure of the reef and the large reef fish that live there," says James. "The reason for the fishes' preference is not yet clear -- but possibilities include hiding from predators such as sharks, shading themselves from ultraviolet sunlight, or lying in ambush for prey.

"The importance of this finding is that table corals are among the types most vulnerable to climate change," Prof. Bellwood explains. "In shallow waters and on the tops of reefs, they are often the main source of cover for these big fish.

"If they die back as a result of bleaching or disease, or are destroyed by storm surges, this would strip the reef of one of its main attractions, from a coral trout's viewpoint."

The researchers also proved that it isn't the coral, so much as the shelter that is important to big fish, by deploying artificial shelters made from plastic in the lagoon.

"We made one sort with no roof, one with a translucent roof and one with a roof painted black. Far and away the fish preferred to shelter under the black roof, which suggests they either want to hide or else to avoid direct sunlight," James says.

While the team is planning further experiments to clarify the reasons for the fishes' shelter preferences, their early findings may provide a useful insight to reef managers, about the importance of trying to maintain a range of structures and shelters as climate change bears down on the Great Barrier Reef, including the highly susceptible tabular corals.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by ARC Centre of Excellence in Coral Reef Studies.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. J. T. Kerry, D. R. Bellwood. The effect of coral morphology on shelter selection by coral reef fishes. Coral Reefs, 2011; DOI: 10.1007/s00338-011-0859-7

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Most of Romney's top fundraisers remain anonymous (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Despite criticism of Fannie Mae by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, his campaign accepted nearly $280,000 in donations raised by a registered lobbyist who once represented the government mortgage giant and whose clients now include a private equity firm and the drug company Pfizer.

Yet Romney has not identified all of his so-called fundraising "bundlers" who have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars, even after President Barack Obama's re-election campaign released the names of his top fundraisers. Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich also haven't disclosed their bundlers. Ron Paul's campaign has said it doesn't use them. For more than a decade, since the election of George W. Bush in 2000, presidential campaigns have identified their bundlers.

In an age of "super" political action committees, which can pull in millions of dollars from anonymous donors, bundlers still matter to modern presidential campaigns. Like Wayne Berman, the chairman of Ogilvy Government Relations who gathered $279,075 for Romney in 2011, these are well-connected executives who collect or direct multiple individual contributions of up to $2,500 to a campaign in amounts that can range from $50,000 to more than $500,000.

The lack of disclosure prevents voters from knowing who wields influence within a presidential campaign. Keeping their identities secret could end up stinging Romney ? like the mishandled release of his income tax returns ? if voters conclude he is withholding politically damaging information.

Federal law requires only that candidates disclose the identities of bundlers who also are registered lobbyists, which the Romney campaign has done. Berman and 15 other lobbyists representing a wide range of interests raised nearly $2.2 million for Romney in 2011, according to Federal Election Commission records. Their clients included investment firms and a mortgage processing company accused of "robo-signing" foreclosure documents.

But just as disclosing income tax statements is commonplace for leading presidential candidates, voluntarily identifying bundlers has also become standard practice.

A corporate executive or a Wall Street broker who acts as a bundler can wield just as much influence as a lobbyist. "Bundlers pose a very similar threat of corruption of candidates and office holders just as unlimited contributions would if made directly to the candidate or office holder," said Paul Ryan, associate legal counsel at the nonprofit Campaign Legal Center.

Ryan said the rise of super PACs, which can't lawfully coordinate their spending with a candidate's campaign, haven't diluted the importance of bundlers. "At the end of the day, candidates want money in their own campaign accounts because they have full control over how it is spent," he said.

A Romney campaign spokeswoman did not respond to an email from The Associated Press asking when, or if, Romney intends to identify his bundlers.

Obama's re-election campaign on Jan. 31 released the names of more than 440 bundlers who collected close to $75 million in 2011, including 61 people who each raised at least $500,000. The Obama campaign said it does not accept contributions from lobbyists. But the list includes people involved in the business of influencing government.

Michael Kempner, for example, is president and chief executive officer of MWW Group, a public relations firm with a large lobbying business. Kempner, who raised more than $500,000 for Obama's reelection bid, is not himself a registered lobbyist.

Also on Obama's list are two fundraisers linked to Solyndra LLC, the California solar company that received a $528 million Energy Department loan and then later went bankrupt, prompting a federal investigation. Obama's re-election campaign also received about $200,000 in contributions bundled by family members of a Mexican casino owner who fled the U.S. after facing drug and fraud charges. The Obama campaign said it has returned the money.

More than 1,000 bundlers collectively raised $152.2 million for the 2008 campaigns of Obama and his opponent, Republican Sen. John McCain, according to the nonprofit Center for Responsive Politics.

Romney's Republican opponents also haven't identified their bundlers. But the stakes are higher for Romney, who holds a huge fundraising lead over his rivals. Romney's campaign raised nearly $57 million in 2011 from individual contributions, which are capped by law at $2,500 each for primary and general elections.

Santorum, the former Pennsylvania senator who stunned Romney by sweeping contests last week in Minnesota, Missouri and Colorado, raised just $2.2 million last year. Gingrich, the former House speaker, raised $12.6 million last year and Paul, a Texas congressman, collected $25.5 million.

Santorum, Gingrich and Paul have not reported having any registered lobbyists who are bundlers, according to the FEC records.

Money is the lubricant for presidential campaigns. But Santorum, seeking to maintain momentum from his recent victories, sought to use Romney's financial dominance against him with a David-versus-Goliath message.

"We're not going to win this race the way Gov. Romney has won the states he's won already, by outspending his opponent by 5-to-1 and beating them up. He's not going to outspend Barack Obama 5-to-1," Santorum said last week in Dallas. "How are you going to win an election if your greatest attribute is `I'll spend more money than the other person?'"

Among registered lobbyists who bundled contributions for Romney is Patrick J. Durkin, managing director of Barclays Capital, the investment banking division of Barclays Bank. Durkin bundled $774,750, according to disclosure records filed with Congress.

Another lobbyist-bundler, T. Martin Fiorentino Jr. of The Fiorentino Group, represents Lender Processing Services, a mortgage processing company in Jacksonville, Fla. Nevada's attorney general filed a civil lawsuit against LPS in December that accuses the company of filing fraudulent documents in the months before the state's housing market collapsed. LPS has said the allegations are false and last month asked a judge to dismiss the case.

Romney may be keeping the names of his bundlers under wraps to avoid drawing attention to the emphasis his campaign is placing on large individual contributions and the role that Wall Street and the financial services industry are playing in helping to generate money, said Anthony Corrado, a campaign finance expert and a professor of government at Colby College in Maine.

"Essentially $38 million of the $57 million he raised came from people who gave $2,500," Corrado said. "That, to me, suggests a significant amount of bundling activity because those are the people capable of soliciting the larger checks."

Disclosing bundlers can have advantages. Bush embraced bundlers during his presidential campaigns, publicizing their names and rewarding them with titles such as Ranger and Pioneer. That served a dual purpose. The campaign could claim it was being transparent about its fundraising while at the same time motivating others to join an elite club.

"By making all of this public, the candidates can insulate themselves from the charge that they have something to hide," Corrado said, "and at the same time create a culture of fundraising amongst these individuals that tends to spur them to want to do more."



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Monday, February 13, 2012

Panetta defends military budget plan (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is defending his department's slimmed-down, $614 billion budget plan, telling senators that it's time to step up and show they are serious about reducing the deficit.

In testimony prepared for a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing Tuesday, Panetta is warning lawmakers that budget cuts will hit all 50 states. But he says the reductions have been carefully planned and there is little room for changes.

Panetta and Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, can expect to meet resistance from lawmakers who have expressed reservations about gutting defense and eroding the country's national security. The proposed defense budget for the year beginning Oct. 1 includes $525.4 billion in base spending and another $88.5 billion for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The total is nearly $32 billion less than this year's budget.

"It was this Congress that mandated, on a bi-partisan basis, that we reduce the defense budget, and we need your partnership to do this in a manner that preserves the strongest military in the world," Panetta said in the written testimony, which was obtained by The Associated Press. "This will be a test of whether reducing the deficit is about talk or action."

Defense officials have laid out plans to find about $260 billion in savings over the next five years, including moves to slash the size of the Army and Marine Corps, cut back on shipbuilding, and delay the purchase of some fighter jets and other weapons systems.

The plan also slashes war spending. Money for Iraq and Afghanistan will drop from $115 billion this year to $88.5 billion, with less than $3 billion spent for security in Iraq. It also cuts in half the amount spent on training and equipping Afghanistan's security forces ? a key element to the U.S. effort to gradually withdraw forces and transfer security responsibility to the Afghans.

While military personnel still would get a 1.7 percent pay raise, retirees would get hit with a series of increases in health care fees, co-pays and deductibles. The impact would be greater on those who are under 65 and are likely to have another job, as well as on those who make more money.

Senators on Monday also complained that President Barack Obama and his defense team have made no plans to deal with an additional $492 billion in across-the-board military cuts that will occur in January 2013 if Congress doesn't act to avoid them.

Panetta said that since it is now apparent what the current cuts will do, he hopes that Congress will be convinced to avoid the additional 2013 reductions.

Dempsey, in his written testimony, said that even though there are fewer than 90,000 troops deployed in combat, compared with more than 200,000 just two years ago, the military must spend money to reset and restore itself. War-torn equipment must be replaced, weapons need to be modernized and troops need to be retrained, he said.

"We will have to do all of this in the context of a security environment that is different than the one we faced 10 years ago," Dempsey said. "We cannot simply return to the old way of doing things, and we cannot forget the lessons we have learned."


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Facts About Adware, Spyware and Anti-virus Social Media & Internet ...

Adware, spyware and anti-virus software share some similarities, one of which is that all three are major nuisances for computer users. Let?s make a distinction between the three.

Spyware is software that does not necessarily harm your computer. What it does is build links whereby someone else apart from the computer owner can communicate from that computer. Normally spyware records the different kinds of web sites you go to and sends that information to web advertisers, who then later send you unwanted emails and pop-ups.

Which is why spyware is unpopular and shunned. It is more intrusive than adware. Spyware has its own separate executable programs, which allow it to record your keystrokes, scan files on your hard disks and look at other applications that you use, including but not limited to chat programs, cookies and Web browser settings.

Spyware then sends the data that it had gathered to the spyware author. The author will then use this data for advertising and marketing purposes. They also sell the data to advertisers and other parties.

Adware, on the other hand, is a more legitimate form of software.. It is similar to spyware but adware is advertising spyware which is bundled into free software or a free program and is installed automatically once that particular program or software is loaded into your computer system.

Some kinds of adware, on the other hand, download advertising content when a particular application is being run. Some adware behaves like spyware in that it tracks and reports user information to the program?s authors.

The signs of spyware infection include pop-up ads that seem to be unconnected to the site you are looking at. Sometimes spyware pop-ups are advertisements about adult contents. Furthermore, if you become aware of your computer slowing down, there is a big chance that spyware and its components have found their way into your operating system. If Windows desktop takes a long time to load, it is best to scan your computer for spyware infections.

Viruses, on the other hand, are a harmful kind of software. They were designed and created for one reason alone and that is to inflict chaos on your computer. They may destroy whatever data they come in contact with, can instigate self replication and then infect as many components of the computer?s operating system or network as possible.

Nowadays, a lot of anti-virus software also offers spyware and adware scanning and removal utilities. They then remove it as well as its components located in the system registry and other places on your computer. It is therefore, good practice to frequently update your anti-virus and anti-spyware scanner to ensure that your computer is protected from the thousands of spyware and viruses in the Internet. Beware of free add-ons or free anything really.

Adware might be spyware in disguise and could be just waiting to be deployed for its writers to gather your information. Learn how to set up a firewall and pop-up blocker in order to reduce the risk of computer infection and guarantee the security of all your computer records.

Owen Jones, the author of this article, writes on many subjects, but is currently involved with researching the best virus protection software. If you have an interest in such software, please go over to our website now at Computer Antivirus Software


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Man to face Alabama trial in wife's diving death (AP)

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. ? A dream honeymoon to scuba dive on Australia's Great Barrier Reef turned into a terrible nightmare, and the horror is about to play out years later in a courtroom in Alabama.

An Alabama man who already served prison time in Australia after pleading guilty to a reduced charged in the death of his bride goes to trial Monday, accused of murdering her for insurance money. Tina Thomas Watson drowned during a scuba dive on the reef just days after her wedding in October 2003.

Gabe Watson is charged with capital murder ? which normally is punishable by death ? but faces life in prison without parole if convicted because of a deal the state made years ago with Australian officials to guarantee his return to the U.S.

Tina Watson's father said the family has endured eight years of delays and disappointments getting to the trial date.

"It's been a traumatic, excruciating ordeal," said Tommy Thomas, of suburban Helena.

Watson, 34, and Tina met in college. They wed and went to Australia to dive ? a trip prosecutors claim Watson meticulously planned so he could kill the 26-year-old woman and make it seem like an accident.

Watson is accused of killing Tina Watson by turning off her air supply and bear-hugging her as she drowned while diving on a shipwreck in 2003. Don Valeska, an assistant state attorney general handling the case, argues Watson killed the woman believing he could collect on a modest life insurance policy.

Originally charged with murder in Australia, Watson avoided a jury trial there by pleading to a charge of manslaughter and serving 18 months for not doing enough to save his wife. He was an experienced diver; she was a novice.

The defense will argue during the trial that Tina Watson's death was an unintended, horrible mishap. One of Watson's lawyers said the man ? who is free on bond and has remarried ? was anxious to get the trial started.

"He's nervous. He's ready to get this trial behind him so he can be a free person," defense lawyer Joseph Basgier said after a hearing last month.

The state has subpoenaed people from as far away as Australia and California to testify about what happened that day on a dive boat called the Spoilsport, but it's unclear how many will take the stand. The defense has subpoenaed potential witnesses including former Alabama Attorney General Troy King, who pushed for state charges against Watson.

The case has aroused deep passions both in Australia and the United States, with hundreds of people joining sites on Facebook to show support either for Watson or the Thomas family.

Tina Watson's sister, Alanda Thomas, counted down to the start of the trial by posting messages to a group called "Call for Gabe Watson to do what is right!"

"Please everyone continue to pray for (j)ustice for Tina," she wrote.

Tommy Thomas said he is glad his former son-in-law will finally face a jury.

"This is our last chance to get justice, and we know it," Thomas said in an interview. "But we're confident, and if the bulk of the evidence is presented it doesn't matter whether it's a jury in Alabama or a jury in Australia, we're going to get a just outcome."

Once Watson finished his sentence in Australia in November 2010, the country deported him to the United States with an agreement from Alabama and federal prosecutors that he wouldn't face the death penalty. Such a deal is required under Australian extradition law.

Watson's attorneys asked an Alabama judge to throw out the state charge, arguing he was being tried twice for the same offense, but the judge refused. The state argued successfully that Watson could be tried in Alabama for something that happened in Australia by claiming he plotted the killing in the state.

The trial was delayed for 10 months because of concerns that layoffs linked to budget shortages would prevent court officials from providing adequate security.


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Drug Abuse Treatment Center ? Making The Right Choice | Dating ...

Choosing a drug abuse treatment center is a significant decision. Not just another hospital treating a condition, the drug abuse treatment center is an important aspect in helping an addict overcome addiction and develop a continuing strategy toward preventing a relapse. Forcing an addict to admit to your treatment center is rarely successful, and neither are purely mechanical or chemical treatments apt to prevent further abuse. Instead, the ideal drug abuse treatment center will know that focusing on patients regaining their sense of self-esteem, and respecting their pride and dignity will result in a much more successful treatment. The most effective centers will target their program around the core troubles of mutual respect and understanding, and allow that addict to regain their sense of self.

The Hidden Impact

Drug Abuse comes in many types. It can be used to describe athletes using performance enhancing substances, overuse of a prescription medical science, as well as alcohol abuse and use involving illegal narcotics. Dependency operates on both a real bodily and an emotional level, and leaves addicts unfit to be relating to anything other than their intense desire for further use. Addictions often destroy families, friendships, and careers. In addition to altering their personality together with affecting their lifestyle, habitual use often leads to help kidney and liver failure, increased risk of infectious condition, and a general breakdown of health and vigor. It is estimated that over 28 million Us citizens are abusing drugs.

Treatment Center Options

Each substance abuse treatment center will have its own approach to overcoming addiction. Also, each treatment will need being tailored not only to the specific form, but also to the addict himself. For example, the treatment for a heroin addiction will differ from that for alcohol dependency, just as the treatment of a happy-go-lucky alcoholic will differ from dealing a suicidal alcohol abuser.

Choosing the right drug abuse treatment center are an overwhelming experience, particularly if the addict is without support of best freinds and family. Preparing a list of questions to ask, and calling several different centers will give an overview of the type of treatment available. There should be a professional, trained staff with a good track record of successful recoveries. The facilities themselves should be clean and safe, preferably with an atmosphere that can certainly help facilitate the addict?s recovery.


Detoxification will be the main objective in the first the main treatment. By eliminating the toxins from the addict?s body, withdrawal symptoms will be decreased, and the patient will start to feel in control of themselves in the course of action. It is crucial that the drug abuse treatment center have a professional, trained staff to deal with this traumatic portion of the process. Depending on the drug, the first stages of withdrawal is a tremendous physical and psychological ordeal. The facility should be well equipped to handle all aspects of your detoxification, and should provide a safe and controlled environment that the patient can recover and move on to the next stage.


The recovery process is an ongoing aspect in dealing with drug abuse. The drug abuse treatment center will help the recovering addict to regain a sense associated with control over their life, and provide them with mental tools to support themselves once they are prepared to leave the facility and get back into the modern world. Again, a personal touch is important as each addict will experience recovery in their own own way. Friends and family are important now, and reconnecting with them can be a critical help recovery. Sometimes, the loss of trust is so acute that it can also be difficult to find friends and family willing to aid in the recovery. A good drug abuse treatment center will help bridge the gap, and get the much required support the recovering addict needs.

The effective drug abuse treatment center is one which recognizes the addict for a real person, with a real problem. At their own core, they should understand that increasing a patient?s sense of self-esteem, and providing an atmosphere of dignity and respect are critical to your successful recovery. At the same time, they must anticipate to deal with all aspects of the difficult meds withdrawal and detoxification phase, and be able to provide the patient with the psychological tools they must deal with life ?on the outside?. Also, they are able to facilitate healing damage between family and friends, and enlisting their help in the ongoing recovery process.


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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Solutions To Understand About Online Day Trading Classes | Free ...


Because of the reality that the trading and rio de janeiro real estate business has become probably the most promising kinds of businesses as of late, a lot of individuals who are planning to earn far more notice it necessary to understand this field. Individuals want to acquire an sufficient education about day trading and eventually switch from their existing careers to online stock trading where they are going to be able to making money from their apartment rather than have to spend for fare along with other work costs. They look at the online investing business as an excellent chance for them to earn when they spend more high quality time with their family members and conserve far more from their day-to-day expenditures.

Instead of taking a look at how persons think about the business as a threat for having far more competitors within the future, proprietary trading firms glimpse at it as being a definite mind-boggling business opportunity for them. Being skilled in all kinds of trading and rio de janeiro real estate providers, trading firms have decided to give people that are thinking about pursuing trading careers the training they will need so as to survive becoming a day trader. Businesses present short term trading courses of about four to six months which covers every little thing an ambitious day trader may need and would like to know about online trading, online stock trading or the business of trading someone else?s capital via high frequency trading and rio apartments real estate investing.

If you would like to find out about the online day trading business in the most productive way, it is best to register with prop trading organizations which give short term day trading classes. Regardless of whether you would like to work in the future or be part of a firm, registering with proprietary trading firms for an adequate day trading education would likely help you learn every thing you?ll need to know about it plus online stock trading and managing trades even for the duration of a high frequency trade. Investing education schools teach ambitious investors the distinctive investing techniques which they want to endure the marketplace and shine.

Apart from short term classes, trading firms also give online classes that provide video tutorials and printable coaching manuals for those that are still tied up with their current careers and unavoidably have lesser time to spend studying the trading business. The online classes are also designed to teach every little thing that ambitious traders require to know about the business and are also very much like learning in a genuine classroom setting except that the students owns his time or schedule. Online classes are mainly supplied by trading firms to people who have quite a busy and regularly changing schedule.

If you?re amongst those that have gone through just about everything you need to find out about the trading and Rio de Janeiro real estate investing business and you think that you merely want just a little bit extra enhancement of the investing tactics you already know, you could furthermore attend the trading courses that firms usually conduct every once in awhile. The workshops include lectures from skilled traders who have already been successful within their investing. Most prop trading companies post the agendas of their workshops on their webpage making it open for the public or any person interested to learn.

Get charged with regards to online day trading and also master the approaches of the apartments rio de janeiro market.

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Borrowing Money Fast with Payday Loans - Any NAS Finance Blog

Many consumers desperate for fast cash wonder where is the quickest way to borrow money. Regardless of one?s credit history, the answer is the same. The fastest place to borrow is with a lender that does payday loans. This is for short term borrowing only. The interest rates on these type of loans is very high. However, the interest cost can be quite manageable if the loan is promptly paid off. This means the interest will be only a small part of the payment while the rest of it goes to principal. The process to borrow is pretty easy as well. Most people will not have a problem qualifying.

The first thing to do is to apply. As long as the applicant has some sort of recurring income and a bank account in good standing, the chances of getting approval from a payday lender is pretty high. The applicant will need to have recurring income of some sort such as wages, retirement benefits, insurance benefits, or something similar. Having equity or assets will not help since they are not income. It is also necessary to have a bank account that is in good standing since it will be used to fund the loan as well as repay the loan.

After the application process, the loan decision will be made. If the loan is approved, the funds are generally deposited electronically although some places may still print paper checks for payday loans. Then the repayment process begins. On the repayment date, the funds are generally taken out of the borrower?s bank account including any interest and fees. If the loan cannot be repaid, it may be possible to extend it in some cases depending on local laws. However, it is inadvisable to extend the loan because the interest will eventually be bigger than the original loan amount. It only takes a few months for that to happen. That is why prompt repayment is so important.

Consumers should remember that payday loans are intended for short term borrowing that can be funded quickly. If the funds are repaid quickly, the amount of interest paid will be pretty low. It is only those who try to stretch the loan by not repaying who end up in a lot of trouble.


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Saturday, February 11, 2012

DIY Furniture Made Extra Easy With Foam Building Blocks [Furniture]

Since most of us are far handier with a pile of Legos than tools, lumber, and raw upholstery, Japanese design studio Torafu Architects has created these large scale foam building blocks that making assembling furniture easier than an Ikea bookshelf. More »


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Sometimes, before you even hire home improvement contractors ...

For example, if you are interested in remodeling ones kitchen, you could probably do some areas of the undertaking yourself together with require the help of kitchen remodeling contractors with regard to other elements. If you now have a small your kitchen, there may be certain remodeling and pattern techniques that enable you to better employ what space you might have.

The serious components to kitchen remodeling are storage, lighting, together with appliances. Budget together with space limits do not need to hamper ones kitchen redesign. You may well transform ones small kitchen in to a room that?s warm together with efficient.

Since you now have a very specific amount of available space to work with, you should check into purchasing compact appliances. For example, a refrigerator that?s 24 inches deep, rather then 30 inches deep, will save you a few space. Additionally you can be innovative regarding where by you store these kitchen appliances, such underneath or above cabinets.

You may well ask your home improvement contractors to create an island in the heart of your kitchen so that you may work with it for storage. Its handy location will ensure that you may access the proper cooking together with baking equipment from anywhere in the your kitchen, even when you are among preparing meals or baking a candy bar.

To increase counter together with cabinet room or space, you may well store your kitchen tools by hanging them up. Doing the following leaves additional storage space and supplies your your kitchen a homey feel and look. Another remodeling option is to get a galley your kitchen design, which incorporates cabinets together with appliances that line up on different sides of an corridor. This design may give your kitchen an added depth.

Additionally you can create that illusion with more room or space with smart, creative lighting. Light within the cabinets and also counters to provide your your kitchen more dimension and make that appear bigger. You may also install deep counters together with cabinets to boost available work space and fit more kitchen appliances.

Do your research to determine the type and level of help you may want for ones kitchen remodeling project. You?ll probably decide the assistance of architect and also designer, or it?s possible you?ll feel comfy simply banking on the recommendations of home improvement contractors. When you select your best course of action, you are able to effectively transform your compact kitchen into an efficient work room or space.

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Calif. 'poster couple' for gay rights is divorcing

Robin Tyler and Diane Olson, who were among 14 same-sex couples who originally challenged California's gay marriage ban in 2008, are getting divorced. KNBC-TV's Cary Berglund reports.

By Irene Moore and Cary Berglund,

When gay couples first sought the right to legally wed in California, they argued that they were entitled to all of the benefits of marital bliss.

It was only a matter of time before that benefit extended to the right to split up.

Even as?the?9th Circuit Court of Appeals?found?California's ban on gay marriage unconstitutional Tuesday,?one of the state's first gay couples to tie the knot?was?calling it quits.??

Robin Tyler?filed for divorce from Diane Olson on?Jan. 25.?The?pair were among 14 same-sex couples who originally?challenged the?ban in 2008.

In an exclusive interview with NBC4, Tyler?spoke about her decision.

"We're human and we went through difficult times," Tyler said. The?marriage ran its course, she said.??

Tyler and Olson have known each other for 40 years and were?together as a couple for 18. They were the poster couple for gay and lesbian rights.

When they wed, in June of 2008, they?had?gone?to the Beverly Hills Courthouse every year for?seven years to apply for -- and be denied -- a marriage license.

The ceremony?on the steps of the same courthouse was a monumental moment for gay couples everywhere.?

"I don't know how to describe it -- I wanted this all my life," Olson told the Jewish Journal that day. "Every time I went to a girlfriend's wedding, and when my brother got married, it was something I always wanted for myself. It looks like God must have wanted it for me, too."

In November 2008 voters passed Prop. 8, banning gay marriage. Tyler and the thousands of other gay and lesbian couples who wed before Nov. 4, 2008,?were allowed to remain married but same-sex couples who wanted to get married were forbidden under the new law.

During the prolonged litigation over Prop. 8, Olson?marveled at the scope of the ban. "For a bunch of people to tell me who I can love, who I can marry, who I can say this is my person, this is who I choose to spend the rest of my life with, it's mindboggling to me that a few religious people can vote for our equal rights," she said.

More on gay marriage issue from

Reflecting on their marriage in August of 2010, Tyler said:? "Marriage is so important it's the most important relationship that you can have as an adult when you get older."

But even the best of marriages can come to an end. The right to marry wasn't meant to?guarantee that?gay couples would live happily ever after, Tyler said,?but to provide a basic human civil liberty.

Tyler said?her marital?problems were no different than if?the two parties?had been a man and woman. Gays and lesbians shouldn't be held to a different standard when granted the same civil rights as everyone else, she said.

"What is the standard to expect when you integrate equality," Tyler asked. "We're just like anybody else and that's all they can expect of us."

Let us know what you think.?Send us your thoughts at?!/propzero or add your comment to our Facebook page.

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Religious license plates for sale in SC (AP)

COLUMBIA, S.C. ? South Carolina drivers can buy religious license plates that feature three crosses and a sunrise.

A federal judge ruled in 2009 that "I Believe" tags that legislators created with a state law violated the First Amendment ban on establishment of religion by government. These new tags were not created by a state law. Instead, they were created and sponsored by the nonprofit group

Nonprofit spokeswoman Adrian Grimes says the new tag is a nonpolitical way for Christians of all denominations to share their faith.

Americans United for Separation of Church and State sued over the 2008 law. A spokesman says the group sees no constitutional problem with these plates.


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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Agriculture Marketing Company ? Filebound Document Management

Posted by FileBound in Document Management Industry, FileBound Document Management Success.
Tags: agriculture, BPM, business processes, CMS, content management, document access, Document Imaging, Document Management, ecm, enterprise content management, filebound, FileBound On-Demand, global marketing, Organization, ROI
Faced with growing demand for the over 100 products the company provides, as well as the paperwork and documentation involved in contracting and accounting transactions, this century-old company realized that the old way of doing business simply wasn?t measuring up. They began to look for innovative ways to manage, secure and distribute the documents and information that supported this ever-growing base of business. Ultimately, the decision was made to implement a FileBound? On-DemandTM document management solution to meet their needs.?

A Midwest-based agriculture marketing company was finding it hard to keep up with the business's needs with its paper-based filing system. The company implemented a FileBound On-Demand solution to streamline processes and make documents easily accessible to its global market.

Customer Profile

A Midwest-based ag marketing company serving a global market. They are one of the top 100 privately held corporations in the U.S. in size and most recently reported annual revenues in excess of 4 billion. They also have over 500 employees located in 65 facilities.

Business Challenge

The company was using a paper-based filing system and finding it increasing hard to meet the needs of the organization and control costs at the same time. A primary issue involved the inconsistency of processes across the organization, which were leading to errors, delays in access to information, run away costs and scalability issues. Documents were stored in different locations using different filing methods making access difficult and costly.


A FileBound On-Demand hosted solution was quickly provisioned and implemented to meet their document management needs. With the system in place, large volumes of mainframe printouts were eliminated by automatically reproducing them as images and storing them on the system. This not only reduced the cost of creating and distributing the paper reports but also provided secure, instant access to any user that needed them, regardless of their location. The system also allowed the company to implement processes for contract approvals using the integrated workflow tools. FileBound also allowed them to develop document management standards across the enterprise for addressing user access rights, document approval rules, and document retention. The company was able to integrate document searching from within their IBM AS400 based core business applications. This allowed for seamless document access from within user interfaces that users were already familiar with, which resulted in minimal training and quick adoption.


As a result of implementing the FileBound On-Demand solution, the company was able to successfully rollout a consistent document management strategy. This strategy resulted?in improved decision making, predictable cost and better document access. The quick implementation of a hosted solution without a large capital investment exceeded their ROI expectations and has resulted in the kind of organizational scalability that has them poised to take advantage of new opportunities as they present themselves across the globe.


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Sheep herding Swedish bunny becomes online hit

(AP) ? Champis the bunny doesn't only hop ? he also knows how to herd his masters' flock of sheep, possibly having picked up the skill after watching trained dogs do the job.

The 5-year-old pet rabbit from the small village of Kal in northern Sweden shot to online fame last week, having garnered more than 700,000 YouTube hits so far, after a clip of his sheep herding skills surfaced on a blog.

The June video shows a persistent Champis running back and forth on the farm, trying to keep Nils-Erik and Greta Vigren's sheep together.

Greta Vigren said she first noted his talent last spring when they let out the sheep to graze for the first time after the long Swedish winter.

"He just started to behave like a sheepdog," she recalled, adding that while he likes to round up the sheep, he is consistent about leaving the farm's hens alone, treating them more gently.

"He's like a king for the whole group. He thinks he rules over both the sheep and the hens. He has a very big ego."

Dan Westman, a sheepdog breeder who shot and posted the video of his friends' bunny, said he was in awe when he first witnessed the phenomenon, noting Champis does the job even better than most dogs would.

"It's really incredible, it's a herding rabbit," he said. "He rounds them up, and if they get close to escaping through the gate he sometimes stops them," he said.

"I mean I work with sheepdogs and know how hard this is. There are very few dogs that could do what this rabbit does."

Westman, who's known both Champis and its owners for years, said the beige little mix-breed bunny had never been trained for the job but seemed to have learned the ropes all on his own.

"He's probably picked some of it up from watching the dogs," he said.

Despite his tiny size, Westman said the sheep seem to pay their minder a world of respect, letting him herd them around when he feels they need some moving.



Associated Press


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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Outsourcing Techniques Commercial Cleaning For A Business ...

It can be pretty much simple to find various companies across the world offering outstanding professional cleaning services thus to their clients worldwide. Over 25 a long time ago, ? green?, ?environmentally safe?, ?biodegradable?, ?eco-friendly?, and ?energy office cleaning London efficient? every became common, everyday words when with reference to the cleaning market. In add-on, the employees in the company are furthermore fully screened to make certain that they are reputable and insurable. You?ll want to choose cleaning organisations that represent different instances the cleaning promote. With this you have guideline to generatte your own price-list.

Your company, store or property certainly has expensive equipment that is definitely important to typically the smooth operation of your respective business. The form of facility and it is needs dictate your services required. Most of that time period, we do n?t have much experience pertaining to cleaning process. This article just might help you with information on examples of the good commercial cleaning equipment will stay bring home the ideal deals. On top of that, both types regarding steam cleaners deliver high steam temperature to dissolve hard to clean residues while maintenance, up to 360 F many times.

Commercial maintaining services are usually maintenance related since you will end up maintaining offices, clinics, galleries, museums, retail stores, and other private spaces. We work with microfibers, backpack vacuums, multistage filtration, and green maintaining chemicals. A large number of domestic cleaning programs are unsafe for people along with for the habitat. In this article, the ideal decision for entrepreneurs is to get help of pro commercial cleaning companies not to lose the cleanliness associated with premises.

A the right, thorough cleaning and even maintenance regimen, coupled with liable staff, will help guarantee that exposure to the flu besides other viruses are kept to some minimum. Discover the business?s distinctive areas involving expertise. With many excellent options out there that you can try as frequently just like you want them in order to, your office or even property can reside as clean as it can be day in and saturday. All of our workers will come to your residence showing the respect that you choose to deserve. Don?t be frightened to phone companies to hunt confirmation of its work ethic together with quality, either. This really is where commercial maintenance in Melbourne makes its own.

Well, marketing is a different factor where you might want to offer a very few dollars. We have got to consider many points before hiring some permanent cleaner for the services. Their charge is furthermore very affordable so you won?t have to worry about using a hole in the pocket. Experiencing one company to handling the different specific services that you?ll need, will save you wedding ceremony. A advertisement cleaning service might be much more reputable and professional, and can assure you that this job is done on your satisfaction. Any second lost to not ever having to have the aid of these professionals is really a lead lost at their competitors.

An office of your company represents it is company, it is essential that if a enterprise lover, or a possibilities employee or almost every other visitor actions into the office he have to experience proud to remain linked with the firm. Quite a few mid-size to much bigger cleaning companies are successful in this way. That ?s their name is definitely on the tip from the tongue of people, they don?t need any additional introduction or promotions. Keep in mind a clean surroundings helps the personnel to concentrate to their work in a means. They sourced from a client what person sneezes, a client?s tired baby, from the kitchen area faucet and out of lunch leftovers, from doorknobs, from the bottom associated with a purse, from office phones and then the bathroom sink.

Guest post by Dobias Q. Yrigollen Courton


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Responsibilities of the Publisher in PPC Advertising

Published by witter | February 5, 2012 | | 37

Advertising is necessary for every product to sell because advertising creates awareness of your product or service in the targeted customers. Without proper advertising strategy, a product cannot be sold to thousands of customers in short time. Online advertising is an effective form of advertising method that the most ad owners use. Online advertising can be done in many ways and PPC advertising is the most popular way to advertise a product or service. Google is the leader in PPC advertising network and has more than 80% of the total website traffic. So advertising with Google means that the ad will be published at the online places having the maximum hungry searchers.

What is PPC advertising?

The term PPC means ?Pay per Click? and PPC is the abbreviated form of this type of advertising. According to the Pay per Click advertising, a publisher is paid only if a visitor hits an ad floating on the website of the publisher and reaches to the site of the ad owner.

In this type of advertising, the publisher is paid for every click that takes a visitor to the site of ad owner from the site of publisher. Publishers have liked this advertising most because their job is only to motivate a user or a visitor to click the ad and as soon as the ad is clicked the amount in the account of the publisher increments. This increment is the cost of the keyword for which the site of the publisher was optimized.

Role of the Publisher in the PPC Advertising

The main responsibility of the publisher includes sending of the traffic from his site to the website of the advertiser. The publishers are always interested to send the maximum traffic to the advertiser?s site because the earning of the publishers depends directly on the count of the visitors that reaches to the advertiser?s site from the publisher?s site.

The publishers could try various techniques to achieve their goals. The most important steps that the publishers should take are the keyword research, quality, unique and copyscape passed articles. The keyword research is the first step that helps the publishers to know those useful keywords that are not yet saturated and have the potential to take the sites of the publishers to the top of the high ranking search engines. The next step is to write unique articles. The articles should be interesting enough to retain the visitors till the end and motivate them to reach the advertiser?s site.

Apart from Google, the other best Pay per Click types of search engines are Yahoo, MSN and Clickwinks. So if you run a site and are really serious about earning from the advertising networks browse the popular advertising sites and get a publisher account in those sites. After the registration process is complete, start publishing the unique and copyscape passed articles so that your site starts getting the traffic and this traffic gets transferred to the websites of the advertisers. These advertisements help the publishers to earn money from their sites and the income of the publishers is also the measurement of their performance.

Do you want to advertise your product or service? Do you have any idea of the most popular way of advertising? If you want to advertise your offer but do not have any idea of the most popular way of advertising or the PPC advertising then can help you to advertise.


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Friday, January 20, 2012

Months after Gingerbread's arrival, HTC Sense remains fussy, users can't get no satisfaction

Many HTC Sense users have experienced less than ideal conditions ever since their upgrade to Gingerbread. In an issue that's likely tied to the operating system's new memory management techniques, we've seen the launcher sporadically restart upon return to the home screen, and in rarer cases, cause Sense to revert entirely to its factory settings. While the glitch is hardly new, it's rather well documented and the longstanding nature demands a proper (and expedient) update from HTC. Until that moment comes, we've included a few tips to help affected users get through the day.

First, the most straightforward solution involves using an alternate launcher, such as ADW, Go or LauncherPro. If you want to keep Sense and its goodies, you can try to keep widget use to a minimum, but if you're willing to gain root access, the command "echo ro.HOME_APP_ADJ=1 >/data/local.prop" has also proven successful at holding Sense in memory. Of course, dropping Sense entirely and replacing it with an AOSP ROM is another solution. Regardless of which route you choose, we hope you'll sound off in the comments and join us in the call for an update.

Months after Gingerbread's arrival, HTC Sense remains fussy, users can't get no satisfaction originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 18 Jan 2012 00:52:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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