Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Turkey abuse videos at Butterball plant lead to arrests

By Isolde Raftery,

The animal rights group, Mercy For Animals, had chosen the Butterball factory ? the largest producer of turkeys in the United States ? at random.

An investigator applied for a job at Butterball?s turkey insemination plant in Shannon, North Carolina, and, after being hired, went to work wired with a tiny camera to capture video of how the turkeys were treated.

In mid-December, that investigator turned over three weeks of harrowing footage of 90-pound tom turkeys being dragged, beaten and bloodied to the Hoke County Sheriff?s Office. On Wednesday, three Butterball workers were arrested and charged with misdemeanor crimes for abusing the turkeys.

In addition, Dr. Sarah Jean Mason, the director of the Animal Health Programs with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, was charged with obstruction of justice for tipping off Butterball managers about the law enforcement investigation. She was placed on probation for 12 months.

After viewing the footage captured in December by the animal rights investigator, Hoke County officials planned a raid that included six detectives, two veterinarians and two animal welfare experts, according to a release from the Hoke County Sheriff?s Office.

Earlier story: Butterball turkey factory raided after abuse claims

During the raid, veterinarians determined that many of the birds needed to be euthanized.

At the time, Butterball released a statement saying the company had a ?zero-tolerance policy for any mistreatment of our birds.?

?Animal welfare is central to Butterball,? the statement continued, ?and we are committed to the highest standards to ensure that all turkeys processed for consumption are treated in a humane manner.?

Nathan Runkle, founder and executive director of Mercy For Animals, called this a landmark case because few animal cruelty charges are filed regarding poultry. His organization has instigated a dozen similar investigations, five of which have led to criminal or civil charges, he said.

?There was no insider information of abuse at Butterball which leads us to believe that this kind of animal neglect is rampant,? Runkle said. ?Unfortunately, every time we send an investigator they emerge with shocking evidence of animal abuse.?

Butterball accounts for 20 percent of the country's turkey production, according to the company?s Web site, and is known for its Turkey Talk-Line, which fields 100,000 calls around Thanksgiving.



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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Where big fish take shelter has big impact on their ability to cope with climate change

ScienceDaily (Feb. 13, 2012) ? When it comes to choosing a place to hang out, big reef fish like coral trout, snappers and sweetlips have strong architectural preferences.

The choices big fish make on where to shelter could have a major influence on their ability to cope with climate change, say scientists from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University.

In research aimed at understanding the process of fish population decline when coral reefs sustain major damage, PhD student James Kerry and Professor David Bellwood have found that big fish show a marked preference for sheltering under large, flat table corals, as opposed to branching corals or massive corals (known as bommies).

In a study that covered 17 separate locations round Lizard Island in far North Queensland, the researchers videoed the behaviour of large reef fish, allowing them to identify the kind of habitat they most preferred and depended on.

"Like human beings, fish have strong preferences on where they like to hang out -- and it appears that they much prefer to shelter under overhanging tablecorals. This tells us quite a bit about how important these corals are to the overall structure of the reef and the large reef fish that live there," says James. "The reason for the fishes' preference is not yet clear -- but possibilities include hiding from predators such as sharks, shading themselves from ultraviolet sunlight, or lying in ambush for prey.

"The importance of this finding is that table corals are among the types most vulnerable to climate change," Prof. Bellwood explains. "In shallow waters and on the tops of reefs, they are often the main source of cover for these big fish.

"If they die back as a result of bleaching or disease, or are destroyed by storm surges, this would strip the reef of one of its main attractions, from a coral trout's viewpoint."

The researchers also proved that it isn't the coral, so much as the shelter that is important to big fish, by deploying artificial shelters made from plastic in the lagoon.

"We made one sort with no roof, one with a translucent roof and one with a roof painted black. Far and away the fish preferred to shelter under the black roof, which suggests they either want to hide or else to avoid direct sunlight," James says.

While the team is planning further experiments to clarify the reasons for the fishes' shelter preferences, their early findings may provide a useful insight to reef managers, about the importance of trying to maintain a range of structures and shelters as climate change bears down on the Great Barrier Reef, including the highly susceptible tabular corals.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by ARC Centre of Excellence in Coral Reef Studies.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. J. T. Kerry, D. R. Bellwood. The effect of coral morphology on shelter selection by coral reef fishes. Coral Reefs, 2011; DOI: 10.1007/s00338-011-0859-7

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Most of Romney's top fundraisers remain anonymous (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Despite criticism of Fannie Mae by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, his campaign accepted nearly $280,000 in donations raised by a registered lobbyist who once represented the government mortgage giant and whose clients now include a private equity firm and the drug company Pfizer.

Yet Romney has not identified all of his so-called fundraising "bundlers" who have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars, even after President Barack Obama's re-election campaign released the names of his top fundraisers. Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich also haven't disclosed their bundlers. Ron Paul's campaign has said it doesn't use them. For more than a decade, since the election of George W. Bush in 2000, presidential campaigns have identified their bundlers.

In an age of "super" political action committees, which can pull in millions of dollars from anonymous donors, bundlers still matter to modern presidential campaigns. Like Wayne Berman, the chairman of Ogilvy Government Relations who gathered $279,075 for Romney in 2011, these are well-connected executives who collect or direct multiple individual contributions of up to $2,500 to a campaign in amounts that can range from $50,000 to more than $500,000.

The lack of disclosure prevents voters from knowing who wields influence within a presidential campaign. Keeping their identities secret could end up stinging Romney ? like the mishandled release of his income tax returns ? if voters conclude he is withholding politically damaging information.

Federal law requires only that candidates disclose the identities of bundlers who also are registered lobbyists, which the Romney campaign has done. Berman and 15 other lobbyists representing a wide range of interests raised nearly $2.2 million for Romney in 2011, according to Federal Election Commission records. Their clients included investment firms and a mortgage processing company accused of "robo-signing" foreclosure documents.

But just as disclosing income tax statements is commonplace for leading presidential candidates, voluntarily identifying bundlers has also become standard practice.

A corporate executive or a Wall Street broker who acts as a bundler can wield just as much influence as a lobbyist. "Bundlers pose a very similar threat of corruption of candidates and office holders just as unlimited contributions would if made directly to the candidate or office holder," said Paul Ryan, associate legal counsel at the nonprofit Campaign Legal Center.

Ryan said the rise of super PACs, which can't lawfully coordinate their spending with a candidate's campaign, haven't diluted the importance of bundlers. "At the end of the day, candidates want money in their own campaign accounts because they have full control over how it is spent," he said.

A Romney campaign spokeswoman did not respond to an email from The Associated Press asking when, or if, Romney intends to identify his bundlers.

Obama's re-election campaign on Jan. 31 released the names of more than 440 bundlers who collected close to $75 million in 2011, including 61 people who each raised at least $500,000. The Obama campaign said it does not accept contributions from lobbyists. But the list includes people involved in the business of influencing government.

Michael Kempner, for example, is president and chief executive officer of MWW Group, a public relations firm with a large lobbying business. Kempner, who raised more than $500,000 for Obama's reelection bid, is not himself a registered lobbyist.

Also on Obama's list are two fundraisers linked to Solyndra LLC, the California solar company that received a $528 million Energy Department loan and then later went bankrupt, prompting a federal investigation. Obama's re-election campaign also received about $200,000 in contributions bundled by family members of a Mexican casino owner who fled the U.S. after facing drug and fraud charges. The Obama campaign said it has returned the money.

More than 1,000 bundlers collectively raised $152.2 million for the 2008 campaigns of Obama and his opponent, Republican Sen. John McCain, according to the nonprofit Center for Responsive Politics.

Romney's Republican opponents also haven't identified their bundlers. But the stakes are higher for Romney, who holds a huge fundraising lead over his rivals. Romney's campaign raised nearly $57 million in 2011 from individual contributions, which are capped by law at $2,500 each for primary and general elections.

Santorum, the former Pennsylvania senator who stunned Romney by sweeping contests last week in Minnesota, Missouri and Colorado, raised just $2.2 million last year. Gingrich, the former House speaker, raised $12.6 million last year and Paul, a Texas congressman, collected $25.5 million.

Santorum, Gingrich and Paul have not reported having any registered lobbyists who are bundlers, according to the FEC records.

Money is the lubricant for presidential campaigns. But Santorum, seeking to maintain momentum from his recent victories, sought to use Romney's financial dominance against him with a David-versus-Goliath message.

"We're not going to win this race the way Gov. Romney has won the states he's won already, by outspending his opponent by 5-to-1 and beating them up. He's not going to outspend Barack Obama 5-to-1," Santorum said last week in Dallas. "How are you going to win an election if your greatest attribute is `I'll spend more money than the other person?'"

Among registered lobbyists who bundled contributions for Romney is Patrick J. Durkin, managing director of Barclays Capital, the investment banking division of Barclays Bank. Durkin bundled $774,750, according to disclosure records filed with Congress.

Another lobbyist-bundler, T. Martin Fiorentino Jr. of The Fiorentino Group, represents Lender Processing Services, a mortgage processing company in Jacksonville, Fla. Nevada's attorney general filed a civil lawsuit against LPS in December that accuses the company of filing fraudulent documents in the months before the state's housing market collapsed. LPS has said the allegations are false and last month asked a judge to dismiss the case.

Romney may be keeping the names of his bundlers under wraps to avoid drawing attention to the emphasis his campaign is placing on large individual contributions and the role that Wall Street and the financial services industry are playing in helping to generate money, said Anthony Corrado, a campaign finance expert and a professor of government at Colby College in Maine.

"Essentially $38 million of the $57 million he raised came from people who gave $2,500," Corrado said. "That, to me, suggests a significant amount of bundling activity because those are the people capable of soliciting the larger checks."

Disclosing bundlers can have advantages. Bush embraced bundlers during his presidential campaigns, publicizing their names and rewarding them with titles such as Ranger and Pioneer. That served a dual purpose. The campaign could claim it was being transparent about its fundraising while at the same time motivating others to join an elite club.

"By making all of this public, the candidates can insulate themselves from the charge that they have something to hide," Corrado said, "and at the same time create a culture of fundraising amongst these individuals that tends to spur them to want to do more."



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It's a day of mixed emotions for boomer parents: The moving van is pulling out of the driveway and the house is quieter than it has been in years; they?ve been looking forward to this moment and dreading it all at the same time. But they have succeeded, they raised their children to be self-sufficient and able to move out of the home, whether it's to their own place or off to college.

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